Pick a Craving & We’ll Pick the Healthiest Snacks to Satisfy
Pick your snack craving and pick one of our favorite options detailed below: Crunchy 1. Roasted Chickpeas These are the ultimate crunchy snack! You can buy these pre-roasted in the stores in a variety of flavors OR roast your own. Pre-heat oven to 450, Season canned...
Amazing Mason Jar Meals for On the Go
Need more on-the-go meal ideas, or just looking for some new ways to enjoy your meals? Mason jars are fun, convenient, and portable and you can take any meal on the go with one of these! Here are our favorite mason jar recipes for breakfast, lunch/dinner, and snack...
5 Weeknight Dinners In a Pinch!
With a packed schedule and busy weekdays, getting a healthy homemade dinner on the table might not be the most realistic thing. Solution #1 is to have a meal prep day. Solution #2: If you missed your meal prep and have to make dinner "in a pinch", it is helpful to...
The Pounds Are Dropping Off Of Me
I finally started to eat right and the pounds are dropping off me. I'm never hungry and people are noticing the difference. - Anonymous Feedback from Survey
3 Weight Loss Mistakes You Might Be Making On The Weekend
Monday- Thursday isn't so bad when it comes to weight loss. Yeah, you have the occasional birthday party at work, or weak vending machine moment, but overall, not too shabby. Then Friday rolls around and all bets are off. The internal - very real- struggle of "I...
The Health Wealth Connection
What do money habits and eating habits have in common? More then you think! Check out the health wealth connection with financial analyst and CNBC contributor Mitch Goldberg [share title="Share this Post" facebook="true" twitter="true" google_plus="true"...
The Healthiest Choices During Long Island’s Restaurant Week
It is here, restaurant week is upon us on Long Island! And at Nutrish Mish, we want you to be able to have your cake and eat it too. Consider this your cheat sheet to the healthiest options at all of the restaurants so you can enjoy the deals without feeling...
Get Your Metabolism burning an extra 20 hours a week!
Your metabolism doesn't start until you feed it. If you wake up and don't eat anything for the first few hours that's about twenty-one (21) hours a week that your metabolism isn't working. Even if you don't eat big, eat something! [share title="Share this Post"...
Should You Weigh Yourself on The Scale?
I get asked this question all of the time! Weighing yourself on the scale might actually be holding you back from keeping the weight off. Check it out and comment below, let me know what you think, weighing helpful or hurtful? [share title="Share this Post"...
Knowledgable, non-judgmental and caring space
Nutrish Mish has provided me with more than I could have ever provided myself. She provides a knowledgable, non-judgmental and caring space to tackle one of my biggest life long challenges. I have learned so many things from Michelle and her staff in a short period of...
Transformed my body,improved my health
One of the best decisions I ever made was starting my Nutrish Mish plan. I had never before sought out help from a Nutritionist and it was what was missing in my life. I transformed my body and more importantly improved my health in many ways. I always exercised but...
Today I am down *100lbs!
“ One night,I was out to dinner with some coworkers and my heart started racing and I began sweating profusely. I was fine, but I knew it was the result of my 290lb frame. I did some research and called Nutrish Mish. We discussed the timing of my food, combinations of...