Client Love.

“This really isn’t a diet, it is a total change in mindset and behavior, but you need to be patient!”
-Deb D

“From the results that I am seeing, this is not a yo-yo fad. I really appreciate the hard works that Danielle did with me to really understand this change in my lifestyle”
- Rich L

“Joining Nutrish Mish was the best thing I could have ever done for my mind and body and you have made the transformation so easy”
-Taylor S

“I see my food as fuel now, not just something I haphazardly stuff into my mouth whenever I feel like it. I have taken control of what I eat. My food no longer controls me”
- Mary C

“I’m finally eating real food that is satisfying and I don’t need to drink shakes or take diet pills or eat low-fat, sugar free foods to lose or maintain my healthy weight”
- Gina D

“My mindset is no longer dieting, it’s now healthier habits and still having the ability to eat what I want and not feel deprived. I never think of any food as ‘I can’t eat this’ anymore”
-Katie B

Eat Right, Live Right Program
Our proven framework masterfully combines the science of nutrition, and the art of eating, so soon, eating right will come just as naturally to you as showering, or brushing your teeth.

“My glucose levels were entering the pre-diabetic range, 99 is the upper limit and mine was 103, and my A1C was 5.4. My Blood glucose levels are now 95 with an A1C of 5.0!”
-Chris P

“Before Nutrish Mish I would yo-yo back and forth and feel lost, frustrated and defeated. Now, I don’t feat any food, or fear gaining weight or buying clothes. I gained the confidence to know that I can maintain my health and nutrition for life”
- Andrea D

“Before Nutrish Mish I was barely eating and gaining weight. Now, I have better everyday habits and a better understanding of what to eat and why”
-Cristina M

“After Nutrish Mish, besides weight loss, I can tell that I have changed the way I see food. Better habits and knowledge of what to eat”
-Beatriz B

“I got so much support with joining Nutrish Mish that I feel like I can handle making the right food choices, it’s not a chore to eat right anymore, it really is a lifestyle ”
- Kolbrun H

“The simplicity and helpful guides and recipes that Nutrish Mish provides along with my informative meetings with Kim who holds me accountable, but never makes me feel bad. Thank you!!”
- Judy S

Eat Right, Live Right Program
Our proven framework masterfully combines the science of nutrition, and the art of eating, so soon, eating right will come just as naturally to you as showering, or brushing your teeth.

“The other times I tried to lose weight I always felt like I was dieting and once I reached my goal weight I went back to eating the way I used to. This was easier then dieting and it taught me lifelong eating habits. It is worth every penny. How you thought you could lose weight is probably incorrect, you will be very surprised to see how the Nutrish Mish program works. No starving yourself or dieting, just learning how to eat properly.”
- Donna K

“This program helps you lose weight in a healthy way. You’re eating real foods in the right combinations at the right times of day. You’re learning a lifetime of healthy habits- it's not a quick fix ”
– Marie S

“I just feel better about myself, I sleep better, I am slowly start to see my stomach go down. I actually enjoy taking pictures with friends and family now because I feel and look more like the me that I know. Now that I’ve learned to restructure my eating habits I can honestly say that this will be a lifelong change ”
– Brad D

“The biggest transformation has been how I felt after eating and about myself overall. Of course I am also happy that I lose the weight, but feeling good is most important to me”
- Dianne M

“The first thing everyone notices is the way I look, yes, my body has changed, a plus for sure. What I am most proud of is how I feel and how much stronger I’ve become. My running pace is more consistent and I feel awesome after a run vs. Feeling like I got hit by a mac truck after ”
- Luanna A

“Stick with this program and it will work. There are lots of food options and even room for indulgences. Your nutritionista can answer any question you have, and help you figure out ways to eat the things you enjoy. You will be so happy and feel so good when you get results”
- Galit G

Eat Right, Live Right Program
Our proven framework masterfully combines the science of nutrition, and the art of eating, so soon, eating right will come just as naturally to you as showering, or brushing your teeth.

“Overall I feel better about myself and feel more comfortable in my skin. I feel physically and mentally healthier”
- Amanda D

“I’ve gone down to a size I don’t think I’ve ever been! I ‘m still surprised when I look in the mirror. I feel stronger and have more energy ”
– Robin T

“This program really taught me to trust the process. I had weeks where I made a ton of progress and others where I didn’t. In the past if I didn’t see results, it would snowball and I would never get back on track. Totally different this time. I also never feel restricted. The idea of ‘budgeting’ is amazing, for me it makes meal planning seem fun”
- Kimmy Z

“In the past, I have tried Jenny Craig and dieting on my own but nothing was sustainable like what I learned with Nutrish Mish. I was able to lose weight while still eating large and healthy meals that gave me more energy and even cleared my skin. Diets like Jenny Craig and things I have tried on my own were restrictive in terms of portion size or cutting out entire food groups such as carbohydrates. As someone who works out and always on the run with classes, I have a big appetite and need carbs for energy so the Nutrish Mish plan is satisfying and is something I am happy following for the rest of my life”
- Katelyn C

"The great thing about working with Michelle is that she understands the psychology of food along with the nutrition. While I knew what I should be eating, my poor relationship with food sabotaged any efforts I made toward a healthy lifestyle. I've always been that annoying person who loves working out, but I was also a chronic binge eater--always eating healthy on the outside but eating a bag of chips, a pint of ice cream, a sleeve of cookies, and a wedge of cheese in one sitting behind closed doors. It took awhile--I'm not going to lie--and a lot of repetition from Michelle, saying things I already knew, but had to hear on repeat from someone else, for it to finally sink in. Although my eating habits are not perfect, they are drastically better than before. I may not see Michelle as often, but I hear her voice in my head constantly. There are so many lessons I learned from her, but my biggest accomplishment is that food no longer holds me in such a powerful grip. If I feel like eating ice cream, I eat it and move on. I had my first child last year and attribute my healthy pregnancy and easy delivery to the healthy eating habits I established beforehand. One year later, I look and, more importantly feel, better than I did before my pregnancy--something I never would have thought possible before Nutrish Mish."
- Megan F

“This time in trying to get healthier and lose weight, I have learned a new way of life. Not just a diet. I can now apply what I’ve learned anywhere, anytime and it has changed my whole lifestyle. I am eating enough food that I’m satisfied and not walking around feeling hungry. Also, the recipes are amazing and easy and I’ve been planning ahead and cooking a few times a week for the first time in my life! My family loves the meals and we are all eating healthier as a result”
- Lori L

Eat Right, Live Right Program

"The best investment one can make is an investment in ones self and that is exactly what you do when you join Nutrish Mish. The biggest transformation I have seen is my return to a very healthy and more active lifestyle. As I get closer to my targeted goals I start to achieve a more perfect state of health. My overall cholesterol dropped 40 points in one year and my unhealthy cravings have subsided"
- Rich C

“The biggest transformation has been the fact that I feel better. I have more energy, and no longer do I wake up with stomach aches and headaches. I work in an office with plenty of candy and unhealthy snacks. These items were always my “go to” for an afternoon snack. The satisfaction from these items was always short – lived. I felt like I truly accomplished something significant by not reaching for any of these items during our entire Fall season”
- Randi H

"I have gone down 3 pants sizes and my confidence has definitely increased. I also feel better physically. This time was different for me because I've recently had friends undergo weight loss surgery and that is a route I never want to go. I knew I could do it the natural way but I just needed some guidance"
-Nicole L

“I would say my self-worth. I have always been confident, but through the process I feel my confidence grow further especially as people began to take notice. I really enjoy sharing my success with others with the hope that I can inspire another friend or acquaintance to challenge themselves. I also love that I can see all my efforts in front of the mirror each morning and see my accomplishments of the journey and look great at the beach or the pool”
- Andrew J

"The biggest change I have seen in my self since starting Nutrish Mish, without a doubt, is the way I think about food. Battling anorexia as a teen, food and I have never been the best of friends. Don’t get me wrong, I have been recovered for over 15 years, but dieting and weight loss has always been a scary thought for me. Michelle taught me how to eat the right way – not diet. Now, food and I are best friends"
- Emily M

“The biggest transformation I have seen is my attitude toward food. I consider nutritional information when choosing meals. My blood sugar levels have decreased. My doctor is very pleased”
- Liz D

Eat Right, Live Right Program
Our proven framework masterfully combines the science of nutrition, and the art of eating, so soon, eating right will come just as naturally to you as showering, or brushing your teeth.

"The biggest transformation I've seen in myself is my appetite. My cravings for chips and chocolate have diminished almost completely! This time, instead of cutting out foods I enjoy, I've made a lifestyle change to enjoy my food and get the proper nutrients I need. And it feels so good! "
- Kaitlyn Z

“The advice I would give someone just starting with Nutrish Mish is to give it time because it works! If I didn’t stick with it I would not have lost 13 pounds and kept it off! I am grateful for Richael’s encouragement and support. If it wasn’t for her I would have given up by now. She helps me figure out what to do if I had a tough week and helps me make the healthier choice when eating out. I haven’t been this weight in years! ”
- Denise D

"This has been a crazy year, and I am so happy with what I have accomplished. It's so much more than I thought I would "
- Kim R

“Do something worthwhile for you!!!! When you take care of yourself you can do so much more for others!! Nutrish Mish teaches to plan, because when we do we eliminate the potential to fail. Now, I wake up and look forward to planning my meals day by day based on the food shopping that I did for that particular week. It feels so great to be back in control of myself! When I do have an indulgence I fit it into the week and do not feel guilty about it! ”
- Mary M

"This isn’t a diet for me. It is a lifestyle change! There is no going back; only moving forward! "
- Alana H

“My biggest transformation was mentally. It was one less worry of what to wear that hides my body and what to order at a restaurant. Being able to eat, dress and be more comfortable with myself was my biggest transformation and more than I expected when i started this process”
- Alexandra G

"My lifestyle is the biggest transformation. I am able to climb stairs without getting winded. I’m buying new clothes in a size I haven’t worn in 20 years. My A1C is down to where my doctor isn’t pressuring me to take prescription meds"
- Donna C