If you are a parent, you are thrilled,
If you are a teacher, not so much.
Either way September is almost like a mini New Year in terms of change in nutrition habits. If you start the school year off on a good foot, you are more likely to follow through with those habits all year long. Follow these back to school nutrition tips for parents and you will get an easy A!
1. Avoid Annoying Questions
You got them to school, went to work, drove them around, helped them with homework, and then at the end of a long day, a little person asks, "What are we doing for dinner?" No one wants to hear that. "Can we have pizza pleeeeeeeeeaseeee". Ugh, enter devil and angel on the shoulder...guess who will win that battle?
Plan your meals out on Sunday, it will take all of 10 minutes to decide what to eat on what day. If you want to take it a step farther prep some of your food ahead of time. If you don't have to think when Monday rolls around, execution will be flawless.
2. Learn From Your Legging Clad, Ugg Wearing Sisters
The girls with the pumpkin spiced everything might be onto something. Fall is full of amazing flavors that provide a ton of health benefits. Add some pumpkin, spaghetti some squash, and enjoy hearty fall flavors without the heavy food. Try this amazing smoothie in the morning:
Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie:
1 Scoop Nutrish Mish Vanilla Protein
1 Cup Vanilla Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Cup Pumpkin
Pinch of Cinnamon
Pinch of Pumpkin Pie Spice
3. Upgrade Your Beauty Regimen
Confession: I hate to exercise. I also hate sitting in the chair to get my nails done, and I really hate the 3+ hours it takes to get my hair did. Regardless, you won't catch me with a grey hair (yeah they happen). Men, you shave...and...spray cologne (damn you have it good). Exercise is maintenance just like hair, nails, etc...never skip it. Even 15 minutes a day is better then nothing. Make this your fall resolution, and your skinny jeans will be with you all season long.
4. The Grocery Store is Your New Bloomingdales
Who says shopping for groceries can't be fun, especially if you go in with a plan! Grocery shopping has to be like an appointment every week. If you skip it, it will be nearly impossible to eat the best you can. If you are too busy to go yourself, use a food delivery service. If it saves you from eating just one meal out, it already paid for itself!
5. Enlist Interns
Get the kids involved in getting healthy! Have them help with dinner, choose what vegetable to have tonight, have them tell you what healthy snacks they want to try, etc...Getting kids in good nutritional habits now will be the best gift you can give them (plus if they get good at it, it will help you!) Giving them little things to do will increase their comfort in the kitchen, and they will be much more likely to try their creation…even if it is green!