NMi for Business:
A Healthy Team is a Strong Team
Productivity and attitude starts by showing that you care. By focusing on the health of individual team members you create an atmosphere that is happy, healthy and makes people want to perform. Health starts with nutrition, and nutrition is the single most important factor when determining a persons performance. Nutish Mish Inc. (NMI) offers a full range of programs designed to make your company a better place to work.
Increased Productivity
Better Attitudes
Better Work Environment
Lower Healthcare Costs
Strong Sense of Team
We offer:
Seminar Series:
Topics covered include:
- How to Incorporate Good Nutrition into a Busy Lifestyle
- Lunch, Meetings, and Drinks on the go
- Why Diets Don't Work
- Simple Strategies to Stay on Track while Balancing Work and Family
- Help Team Members Learn About Good Nutrition to Increase Productivity
Fitness Challenge
Most popular option
- Team members compete with themselves get healthy and reach weight goals
- Increases camaraderie while getting healthy
- Eight and twelve week options
- Team Members receive nutritional counseling, meal plans and everything needed to succeed
- Weekly motivational emails with current standings and tips to keep employees on track
Individual Counseling
- Employees receive nutritional counseling in office or remotely
- Personal support they need to achieve goals
- Personalized meal plans included
- Body composition analysis
Body Composition Analysis
Team members have body composition broken down and analyzed to identify health risks
Analysis includes:
- Weight
- Body fat percentage
- Hydration
- Muscle Mass
- How many calories should be eaten a day for weight loss
- Metabolic Age
- Bone Mass
- Visceral Fat Risk
After analysis Team Members are emailed with their individual results and suggestions on how to improve, we also offer follow up assessments
“I was very impressed with Michelle (Nutrish Mish). I no longer take my blood pressure medication. My doctor waas trying to wean me off ofit for a year and with Michelle’s tips I was able to stop the medication. I even lost weight without dieting. I just followed her suggested changes. Thanks Mill-Max!”
- Cathy Dragorri, Benefits Administrator
"The “Weight Loss Challenge” has given me the impetus to try and regain a healthy lifestyle. Using the tools being provided by Nutrish Mish including the free session, and also joining LA Fitness, I have already reduced my body fat percentage by 3%. I highly recommend taking advantage of the free session. Nutrish Mish's program, shows you how you can basically continue to eat normally and still lose weight. No special diets or meal plans. Between the weight loss and working out, I can now compete with players 20-30 years younger than me, in the racquetball league that I joined at LA Fitness. "
- Mill-Max Employee